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DataArt — вакансия в .NET Trainee
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.NET Trainee

4 года назад
25 октября 2019
Херсонул. проезд Военный, 6

DataArt is inviting beginner .NET developers to take part in its paid trainee program. The goal is to achieve the level of proficiency that will allow developers to work independently in IT projects. Trainees will work on tasks in real projects under the guidance of an experienced mentor. 


If at the end of the test period a trainee reaches the required professional level, they will receive a Junior .NET Engineer qualification and may continue to work in DataArt full time. 



Required Skills and Experience


  • Understanding of OOP
  • Skills of development on C#
  • Basic knowledge of .NET
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript, CSS
  • Good spoken English
  • Technical background



Additional Competencies


  • Knowledge of Microsoft stack: ASP.NET, WCF, WPF
  • Experience designing and developing databases
  • Knowledge of web frameworks
  • Knowledge of software development methodologies



DataArt offers:


  • Professional Development: 
    - Experienced colleagues who are ready to share knowledge; 
    - The ability to switch projects, technology stacks, try yourself in different roles; 
    - More than 150 workplaces for advanced training; 
    - Study and practice of English: courses and communication with colleagues and clients from different countries; 
    - Support of speakers who make presentations at conferences and meetings of technology communities.
  • The ability to focus on your work: a lack of bureaucracy and micromanagement, and convenient corporate services;
  • Friendly atmosphere, concern for the comfort of specialists;
  • Flexible schedule and the ability to work remotely;
  • The ability to work in any of our development centers.

Юлия Шкотина

DataArt is a Global Software Engineering Firm.

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